Dec 13, 2009

Final machine

Our strategy was to use rotating arm attached to a motor which is positioned in the center of the slot. It scoops up ping-pong balls and launches them onto the opponents side.The arm is operated using the fixed axis motor, with power being transferred to the arm using a shaft-key setup.The key has teeth so that it can mesh with the arm.The shaft on one side has a pulley attached so that a belt can be used to transfer power from the motor. The shaft has been milled(roughly a semicircle) out on one side so that it can facilitate the key, so as to not let the key slip. A 90 degree torsion spring has been incorporated into the design so that the bucket can move inside the groves in the main arm body as well as stay stiff.
Our defensive strategy was basically to impede the opponents from scoring. The cart will serve as an obstruction to the opponent preventing them from launching there mechanism i.e. we will use our cart to ram and block the opponent.

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